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Omegas Manna Aids Those Most At-Risk in Our Community – the houseless and marginalized individuals and their families

we are one

With a servant’s heart, we serve the homeless in San Francisco.

We believe that every person deserves dignity, compassion, and assistance in their time of need. That’s why our mission at Omegas Manna is feeding the less fortunate and houseless on the streets of San Francisco. 

Feeding the homeless is Omega's Manna mission

We go to the streets where the needy are. They don’t find us, we find them.

join our cause

We need all the help we can get.

If you ever thought about helping someone in need, now it's the time.  Help us continue serving those forgotten ones, help us continue to feed the ones that wake up wondering what their next meal is going to be.  Help us be that light. 

We Meet The Needy Where They Are

For many, the fear of losing their only belongings keeps them from venturing where they need to go and seeking help.  At Omegas Manna, we go where the homeless are, so they don’t have to face the fear of losing their personal belongings at their encampment.

The Support We Provide

Omegas Manna provides blessing bags that include healthy organic lunches made fresh daily from scratch. Masks, sanitizers, anti-bacterial wipes, clothing, shoes, blankets, and other resources are included when possible.

What Drives Us To Be Of Service?

For over 35 years, we have been giving to the homeless in San Francisco. Our love of Christ drives our belief that all people deserve dignity and compassion. This belief drives us to provide the support to the less fortunate throughout the Bay Area. A deep desire to help wherever possible and expand our reach. We would not be able to accomplish this without the help of community grants and donations.  

Join Us in Our Community Outreach for The Homeless in San Francisco and learn more about our Mission here.


No action is too small when it comes to helping the homeless. With every distribution of our blessing bags, we hope to provide those without homes with a sense of stability and normalcy amidst the dangers they face each day.

We hope you’ll join us in supporting our mission to feed the homeless in San Francisco.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

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